PALESTINE SAILING FEDERATION1. Article 1 – Name and Establishment
a) The name of the Federation is the ( Palestine Sailing Federation )
b) The Federation was established in Egypt in 1996 and moved to the homeland of Palestine on 23TH November 2005. At that time it was registered with the Ministry of Youth, it became affiliated to the Palestine Olympic Committee and the Administration Committee was formed.
c) The Federation is an independent non-governmental sports organization sponsored and supported by the State. It is the only organization representing Palestine in the sport of sailing, both internally and internationally.
d) The official language of the Federation is Arabic.
e) The principal office of the Federation is in Gaza City.
2. Article 2 – Objects
The objects of the Federation are:
a. To promote, organise, administer and represent yachting and boating on a national and international basis especially among the youth of Palestine.
b. To promote and control the representation of Palestinian yachts and sailors at international regattas and Olympic Games.
c. To organize and support the organization of national sailing championships and other sailing competitions.
d. To train sailing coaches and sailing race officials in Palestine.
e. To maintain its status as a Full Member of the International Sailing Federation Limited (“ISAF”) by virtue of being the National Authority for Palestine
f. To recognise and support ISAF by:
i. promoting the objects, interests and influence of ISAF;
ii. carrying out and respecting ISAF’s rules, regulations and decisions;
iii. refraining, and using reasonable endeavours to persuade others within the Federation’s jurisdiction to refrain, from actions that are inconsistent with ISAF’s objects, rules, regulations and decisions.